Remote Learning
Carterton Primary School aims to:
- Ensure consistency in the approach to Remote Learning for pupils who are not in school as their year group is closed or isolating
- Set expectations for Remote Learning for all members of the school community
- Provide appropriate guidelines for Online Safety and Data Protection
Remote Learning for Class or Year Group Isolation
When accessing personal data for remote learning purposes, all staff members will:
- Explain how they can access the data, such as on a secure cloud service or a server on your IT network
- Use school issued secure devices
Roles and Responsibilities: Teachers
Teachers must be available between 8:45am and 3:15pm. If teachers are unable to work for any reason during this time, due to sickness or caring for a dependent, absence must be reported through the normal absence procedure.
When providing Remote Learning, teachers are responsible for:
- Setting work for their own class and being prepared to set the same for parallel year group classes for daily English, Maths and wider curriculum tasks
- Meeting the needs of all children in their class and providing varied tasks for children sharing devices (individual Remote Learning exercise books provided)
- Providing feedback on returned work, celebrating achievements and identifying next steps for learning. Teachers will decide where to provide quality feedback to move children on in their learning
- Keeping in touch with pupils who are not in school and their parents
- Answering technical questions or concerns
- Contacting parents if there are behaviour issues, or when children are not engaging with Remote Learning.
- Attending virtual meetings with staff, parents and pupils
Roles and Responsibilities: Teaching Assistants
When assisting with Remote Learning, Teaching Assistants must be available within their contracted hours. If Teaching Assistants are unable to work for any reason during this time, due to sickness or caring for a dependent, they should report this using the normal absence procedure.
Teaching Assistants are responsible for:
- Attending virtual meetings with teachers, parents and pupils
- Providing differentiated support for children under the guidance of the Class Teacher
- Providing feedback for children
- Contacting and liaising with families under the direction of the Class Teacher
Roles and Responsibilities: Senior Leaders
Alongside any teaching responsibilities, senior leaders are responsible for:
- Co-ordinating the remote learning approach across the school
- Monitoring the effectiveness of Remote Learning through regular meetings with teachers and subject leaders, reviewing work set and monitoring feedback from pupils and parents
- Monitoring the security of remote systems, including data protection and safeguarding considerations
- Communicating with families to ensure children are engaged and following behaviour expectations
- Providing children with laptops and support when required
- Ensuring staff have appropriate resources to deliver Remote Learning
Roles and Responsibilities: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
The DSL is responsible for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the pupils, including an understanding of how to keep safe online. The DSL will liaise with other staff to support the welfare of all pupils and enable them to learn remotely whilst being happy and safe at home.
Staff expect pupils learning remotely to:
- Complete work to the set deadline
- Be contactable during the school day
- Seek help if they need it
- Alert teachers if they are not able to complete work
Staff expect parents with children learning remotely to:
- Make the school aware if their child is sick or otherwise cannot complete work
- Seek help from the school if they need it
- Be respectful when making any complaints or concerns known to staff
Roles and Responsibilities: Local Governing Board (LGB)
The LGB is responsible for:
- Monitoring the school’s approach to providing remote learning to ensure education remains as high quality as possible
- Ensuring that staff are certain that remote learning systems are appropriately secure, for both data protection and safeguarding reasons
Remote Learning for Individual Isolating Children
Attendance is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age. Carterton Primary School will consider providing remote education to pupils in circumstances when in-person attendance is either not possible or contrary to government guidance
This might include:
- Occasions when school leaders decide that it is not possible for their setting to open safely, or that opening would contradict guidance from local or central government
- Occasions when individual pupils, for a limited duration, are unable to physically attend their school but are able to continue learning, for example pupils with an infectious illness
NB - Remote learning will not be set for unauthorised absences e.g. parental choice or holidays
Who to contact
If staff have any questions or concerns about remote learning, they should contact the following individuals:
- Setting work – Class Teacher or SENDCo
- Issues with behaviour – Headteacher/Assistant Headteacher
- Issues with IT – RET IT Services
- Issues with their own workload or wellbeing – Line Manager
- Concerns about Data Protection – RET Data Protection Officer
- Concerns about safeguarding – DSL