Requests for Copies
Parents/Carers are welcome to request a paper copy of any information on our school website, which will provided free of charge. Please enquire at the School Office.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies
- CPS Anti-Bullying Policy
- CPS Attendance Policy
- CPS Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
- CPS Prevent Policy Statement
- RET Dealing with Allegations against Staff and Volunteers Policy
- RET Online Safety Policy
- RET Staff Code of Conduct
- RET Safer Recruitment Policy
- RET Use of Images Procedure
- RET Whistleblowing Policy
- RET Complaints Procedure and RET Complaints Form
Behaviour and Relationships for Learning
CPS Behaviour and Relationships for Learning Policy
Other CPS Policies and Key Documents
- CPS Accessibility Plan
- CPS Curriculum Intent Statement
- CPS Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
- CPS Food in School
- CPS PSHE & RSE Policy
- Parent/Carer Code of Conduct
- CPS Send Policy 2024
- CPS KS1 Acceptable User Policy
- CPS KS2 Acceptable User Policy
RET Policies
Policies that cover all schools in Ridgeway Education Trust can be found here:
Ridgeway Education Trust financial information and policies can be found here:
Ridgeway Education Trust freedom of information, privacy notice and complaints procedure can be found here: https://www.ridgewayeducationtrust.co.uk/2666/foi-privacy-notice-complaints-procedure